TeenTober Scary Story Contest

TeenTober Scary Story Contest

Do you have a knack for the eerie and the uncanny? Enter our TeenTober Scary Story Contest—if you dare! We're summoning the darkest, most chilling 10-word tales that will haunt readers long after they’ve finished.

But beware—only the top 10 stories will rise as winners, earning gift cards and a place on Burbank Public Library’s social media! Winning submissions will be announced on October 31.


The Rules:

  • Submit one original 10-word story in the form below.
  • No foul language, sexual content, or AI-generated stories.
  • Open to grades 6 - 12.

Stories accepted from October 1 to 22. The online submission form will open here on October 1.

Behold these chilling examples for your consideration:

  • "Creepy clowns in town, coming to a street near you."
  • "Carla came back from outside, but she sounds different now." 
  • "There are eyes shining in the closet. What's that sound?"

Will your story be among the chosen? Submit your story from October 1 to 22…if you are brave enough to tell a spine-tingling tale!