Early Literacy

read talk sing play write

Early Literacy Begins with You!  

From the time they're born, you can help your child grow up to be a successful reader and learner. Children learn about reading and writing throughout their baby years, and long before they can actually read or write. There are five simple practices that grownups can use to help children get ready to read: talking, singing, reading, writing and playing. These can be easily included in everyday routines and you don't need expensive materials. Look for opportunities to talk, sing, read, write and play together!

Every Child Ready to Read



Find out more about all the resources the library has for young children and families including FREE access to ABC Mouse, our online collection of animated books, and the Book Connection service where we select books for your child based on their interests!
Resources for Young Children and Families



1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

We have updated our 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program!