Burbank Public Library sponsors several Little Free Libraries 24/7:
- Chandler Bike Path @ Buena Vista Street
- Earthwalk Park
- Downtown Metrolink Station
- Mountain View Park
- Johnny Carson Park
- Lundigan Park
- Vickroy Park
What is a Little Free Library? It is a community book exchange that helps spread the joy of reading. The books in each library are free to take home and keep. If you would like to donate a book to one of the Little Free Libraries, simply leave it on a shelf. If you have any questions or concerns about the City of Burbank Little Free Libraries, please contact us.
The Little Free Libraries located in City of Burbank parks were donated by the Burbank Noon and Burbank Sunrise Rotary Clubs and were constructed by the Kiwanis Literacy Club of Southern California.
A hard-working crew of teens built, painted, and decorated the first three Little Free Libraries as part of the Library's 2017 Teen Summer Reading Program, funded by the Friends of the Burbank Public Library.
The teens painted each box thematically: The box at the bike path is adorned with genre-specific illustrations (fantasy, science fiction, and mystery); the box at the Metrolink station has various methods of travel (everything from cars to submarines to flying carpets) with appropriate literary allusions attached to each; and the box at the bus stop shows a cross section of bus riders, and what can happen when your mind is sparked alive by reading.
There are lots of other Little Free Libraries in Burbank, owned and maintained by residents and businesses. These Little Free Libraries are not part of Burbank Public Library's program. Learn more about Little Free Libraries.